... be strong and steadfast! Do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord, your God,
is with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9
Other translations use 'courageous' in place of 'steadfast.' And this is all about courage.
Can I tell you a story? About my young adult daughter (remember, we aren't calling them teens anymore!)? She displayed tremendous courage. She took a risk. She went out on a limb. 'Cause that's where the fruit is right? (Jimmy Carter)
She is not overly ... athletic. She swims very well, she skates, but overall she is more the arts/drama/music kinda girl. For whatever reason, at the age of 14 and on the last day for soccer registration, she decided she wanted to go. for. it. I get that boys need to test their physical limits as they approach manhood; that they need the rough and tumble wrestling with their dads. But you know what? I wonder if girls need some of that too. I wonder if there was something inside her that needed to know how she would do. Something inside her that needed to know what it would be like to play on a team. At this age in her life. As a homeschooled girl.
She emailed back and forth with soccer clubs. She was upfront with the fact that she had no experience. She was asked to come to a practice so the coach could ... take a look ...
We bought cleats and shin pads and socks and balls ... dug out white T and black shorts.
And for almost two hours, I watched my beautiful 14-yr-old young adult daughter play and drill and kick and run with a group of Under 16 girls who have been doing this for several years.
And she did not cry ...
She did not cry!!
This I want: to inspire my children to go for it, to dance, to reach and stretch themselves, to have a willingness to try. For if they can do that even in the small things, like a silly soccer practice, what limits have they when it comes to fulfilling their mission and God's plan for their life?
so proud of you baby!